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Daily Schedule

Stay informed with an app on your phone!

     We use Kinderlime! With this app, you can stay informed on your child's day and how they are doing. Parents can join the app for free and are encouraged to do so! This app is not only used for signing in and out, but it's also used for other important information. "Incidents" and "moods" will only be used when needed. Bottles/meals, nap and diaper changes are usually only logged for kids under one year old (unless needed to be noted).

Payments can also be accepted through this app. Please keep in mind that parents are responsible for the transaction fee (usually around $3). 

Drinks for the kids

       When it comes to drinks and bottles, we only use gallon jugs of filtered water. I always keep two in the fridge for cold drinks and one on the counter for bottles (room temperature). Sink water is only used for food prep, boiling water and washing hands. For toddler drinks, we usually give plain water, but sometimes we do add some V8 fruit juice to the water for flavor. Since it has antioxidants, it's more frequent during cold and flu season. 

We supply cups for the kids. Each child will be assigned a 360 cup for drinks while here. So there is no need to bring a cup to be left here.  

Diaper Changes

We supply all wipes (and diaper powder if needed) for diaper changes. I ask that you bring and keep a decent amount of diapers here, along with a change of clothes and diaper cream (if needed/wanted). Each child will have their own cubby to keep their diapers, clothes and diaper cream.

Nap time 

Each child is assigned a cot, sheet and pillow for nap time. You can choose to provide a blanket for them to leave here or we can provide one for them. It's completely up to you. If you provide one, it will be left here until their last day.


We have a small gated front yard for the kids to play in. We play outside daily, as long as the weather permits. The kids love the slides, swings, balls, playhouse, water table, sand table and more outside! 

Inside, we have tons of educational toys to help the children grow their minds.


Suggested skills to have before Kindergarten

  • Recognize and name basic shapes: square, circle, triangle, and rectangle
  • Recognize and name numbers 1-10, even when they are out of order
  • Count to 20
  • Count 10 objects, pointing to each one as he/she counts
  • Say or sing the alphabet
  • Recognize the letters of the alphabet, both uppercase and lowercase (even out of order)
  • Identify colors in an 8-ct crayon pack
  • Recognize his/her first name
  • Write his/her first name
  • Sort items by size, color, or shape
  • Hold a book and turn pages
  • Tell if two words rhyme
  • Identify some letter sounds

        As our group gets older, they are getting closer and closer to Kindergarten. To help make sure your little ones are ready for school, we will track their progress towards the suggested skills needed. According to most studies, the above skills are suggested for kids to have before they start Kindergarten.

Please keep in mind that your child may have a long time to go, so don’t stress about time. The ages of our current group range from 0-5 years old. Your child has plenty of time to learn. We are a play based daycare, so we won’t be hard-core learning, but they will be learning over time. I will do my best to make sure all the kids have their best chance in school and hopefully all will reach these goals before they turn 5 years old. I will also be sending home semi-annual progress reports so you can see where your child’s skills are. Please keep in mind that they may do more at home for you, but I will be reporting what they do here for me. For example: they may count to 20 for you at home, but only count to 12 for me. Therefore, the report will show 12, not 20. Again, they all have plenty of time, so don’t stress. No child is better than another, they all will learn at different paces. So please try not to compare one child to another. I look forward to working with your child and watching them grow.

Art Projects

We do seasonal and sometimes random art projects here. Your kids will only be little for so long, so we love to do hand and footprint projects. Kids love to show their parents what they made.


We take photos at least twice a year, so you can see your baby grow and have photos to share with family. Make sure you let me know if you'd like your child excluded from the group photo. 


We celebrate every major holiday here and will not exclude any child from it. 

Tax Information

Every payment you make here is tax deductible! At the beginning of each year, you will receive a detailed receipt for your taxes. An example of the form I use is shown to the left. All parents, from the previous year, will receive them by January 31st. Our EIN number will also be located on this form for filing purposes. 

Daycare Space - Pictures

In case you are interested... 

Why Us?

Licensed In-Home Daycare and DHS approved! 

We run a peaceful home with no smoking. Front room has been completely setup and is both safe and fun for toddlers. I try to keep my prices reasonable, so that families can afford them. 

DHS payments are accepted! 

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